Rovinj is a town in Croatia, located on the western coast of Istria, at 45° 01' latitude and 13° 38' longitude east of Greenwich. It is one of the nine cities in the Istria County, which covers almost the entire Istrian Peninsula, with an area of 2,815.09 km², or 5% of the Republic of Croatia.
According to the 1991 census, Istria County has 204,346 inhabitants in 71,185 households, a population density of 73 inhabitants per km², and an average family size of 2.87. Of the total number of inhabitants, 158,726 are Catholics. The county center is Pazin, while the largest city in the Istria County is Pula, a tourist, cultural, and economic center. Agriculture, along with fishing, meets all county needs, while tourism is the primary economic activity, with 205,000 tourist beds, which make up 28% of Croatia's offering.
Istria is wonderfully beautiful. We find beauty in the shine of prehistoric fortifications, ancient monuments, medieval towns, landscapes, sea, people, villages, and cities.
Rovinj, a beautiful town, a pearl of the Istrian Peninsula, with a turbulent history and a beautiful present. The old part of the settlement lies on a peninsula, and the town was first mentioned as Ruigno, Ruvigno, Ruginio in the Cosmography of the Anonymous Ravenna, which gives us a depiction of Istria in the 4th and 5th centuries.
The town of Rovinj has 12,910 inhabitants according to the 1991 census, of which 1,761 belong to the Italian national community. The climate is Mediterranean. The average temperature in January is 4.8°C, and in July it is 22.3°C. The average annual temperature is 16°C. The sea temperature is higher than 20°C from mid-June to mid-September. The average annual sea temperature is 16.6°C. The average sunshine hours are 2,393.3. From mid-May to mid-September, the sun shines for more than 10 hours a day. The annual rainfall is 940 mm, and the annual humidity average is 72%. The vegetation is subtropical.
The area of the town of Rovinj borders the municipalities of Bale, Kanfanar, Sv. Lovreč, and Vrsar. In the Rovinj archipelago, there are 22 islets, with St. Andrew and St. Catherine being the largest and most beautiful. Particularly valuable and protected natural objects, special reserves in the Rovinj area are: the islands and coastal area from the islet of St. John to the Two Sisters, the sea and the underwater of the Lim Channel, part of the Lim Bay, the "Punta Corrente" park forest, the Palud marsh, the Romuald Cave on the southern side of the Lim Channel, and the "Cave di Monfiorenzo" quarry, a unique geological "monument of nature".